Language Learning Courses
Kashmir Cultural trust runs langauge learning courses in Kashmiri, Dogri, Hindi and Urdu languages using the scientifically developed teaching-learning materials under the guidance of trained faculty members with orientation in modern langauge teaching methods. The courses are designed as per need and demand of the learners.
Orientation courses
Short duration orientation courses are being run for children and other young learnes according to need and demand.

Important Events / Programmes Organised

Saman Bal organised at Jammu
Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat

The Saman Bal 2015 (A literary and cultural meet) was organised at Jammu by Kashmir Cultural Trust in collaboration with Samprati on March 14-16,2015. About seventy scholars and practitioners of Kashmiri art, music, theatre, language, literature and media participated in the programme. This event was inaugurated by Dr. Nirmal Singh, Deputy Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir on the 14th March at Kashmir Pandit Sabha Jammu. The three-day event was widely covered in electronic and print media. In his inaugural address, Dr. Nirmal Singh said that he was happy to be present amongst a galaxy of Kashmiri scholars. He said the State Government shall extend all help to the Kashmiri community living in Jammu for the preservation of Kashmiri language and culture. Dr. Nirmal Singh also opened the book exhibition titled ‘Kashmiri Literature in Exile.” The exhibition provided a glimpse to the large number of literature written by Kashmiri writers in different languages during last twenty-five years. It was for the first time such an exhibition was organised. Dr. Nirmal Singh interacted with some of the authors whose books were on display.

On this occasion the following four books were released by the Deputy Chief Minister: Durga Saptshati (Kashmiri translation) by Jawahar Lal Tickoo, sath satambar (a collection of Kashmiri short stories) by Roop Krishen Bhat, Kashur AfsaanI: Munar ta Tanqiid (a critical assessment of Kashmiri short stories) by Rattan Lal Shant and Nunda Risheny shruky by Santosh Nadaan.

Welcoming the chief guest Dr. R.L. Bhat the President of Samprati said that Kashmiri community has a lot of expectations from the present State Government, especially the BJP for honourable and dignified return of Kashmiri community to the valley. He said that Samprati has been working hard for preservation of Kashmiri language and culture in Jammu. Prof Omkar Koul, an eminent linguist, in his keynote address said that Kashmiri children are fast loosing their mother tongue and efforts need to be made to maintain this language. He emphasised that parents have to play a great role for maintaining this language at home. Prof R.L.Shant in his presidential address said that Kashmiri language is our identity and we as a community have to work hard to preserve it along with our culture.

In his gratitude to the chief guest and other participants, Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat, Managing Trustee of the Kashmir Cultural Trust, said that the Trust is committed to work for the preservation of Kashmiri language and culture and Saman Bal is a platform for all those who love Kashmiri art, music, theatre, language, literature and culture and who intend to contribute to all these disciplines in one or the other way. He said that the Trust would organise similar programmes at different places in future. He expressed his special thanks to Prof Nirmal Singh the Deputy chief Minister for sparing his valuable time for this programme and assuring his help to preserve Kashmiri language and culture.

The inaugural function was followed by a panel discussion on medieval history. This was presided by Prof. M.M. Munshi, an eminent historian and geologist. Other panellists were Dr. R.L.Bhat, Sh. Pradeep Koul and Sh Opindar Ambardar. While Dr.Bhat spoke about the distortions created by Persian historians and insisted on placing facts in right perspective, Sri Pradeep Koul presented a clear account of Sanskrit historians starting from Kalhana and Jon Raja. On the basis of his own research Sri Ambardar gave a brief account of Hariparbat, its religious sanctity and importance of its surrounding Bhairvas within the Srinagar city.

The second panel discussion on issues of Kashmiri culture was chaired by Sh Moti Lal Kemmu, a veteran playright and theatre personality. Other panellists included Prof. P.N.Trisal, Sh Satish Vimal, and Sh Hasrat Gadda. Prof. Trisal spoke on the marriage system from past to present and repercussions of inter-caste marriages, Sh Vimal insisted on preserving the ancient Kashmiri scholarship while Sh Hasrat Gadda spoke on communal harmony in Kashmiri cultural moorings.

The second day of the programme began with a panel discussion on “Kashmiri language and Literature”. The session was chaired by Prof. R.L. Shant and other panellists were Prof Omkar Koul, Prof Rattan Talashi and Sh.B.N.Betab. Prof Koul spoke on the relationship between language, literature and creativity. Prof Talashi dwelled on post displacement Kashmiri literature and its quality and relevance. Sri Betab spoke on some important dramas written and produced during last twenty-five years . Prof Shant said that large number of literature produced after displacement is well representative of the situation Kashmiri community in exile had to pass through.

In the next panel discussion on “Kashmir in other languages” chaired by Dr.K.L. Chowdhury, Prof.H.L. Misri gave a detailed account of books written in English which is marked by the nostalgia. Dr. M.K. Santoshi presented a detailed account of literature written in Hindi.

The fifth panel discussion was on “Kashmiri Art, Music and Films” chaired by eminent Kashmiri singer Smt. Kailash Mehra Sadhu. The panellists were Sh.Makhan Lal Saraf, Sh.Rajindar Tickoo, Sh.Virendar Rawal nd Dr. Kuldeep Raina Sudeshi. Sri Rajindar Tickoo spoke on contribution of Kashmiri artists to visual arts and need to preserve their works in art galleries. Sh Saraf spoke on Kashmiri theatre. Sri Virendar Rawal spoke on the preparation of documentaries Dr. Sudeshi spoke on Kashmiri music. A couple of documentaries produced by Sh Rawal on some Kashmiri stalwarts were screened. Smt. Kailash Mehra closed the session by rendering a few Lal vaakhs in her melodious voice.

The sessions were conducted and speakers introduced by Dr.Roshan Saraf and Sh.Kundan Paras. Notable amongst the participants were Sh.Avtar Krishen Rahbar,Sh.Moti Lal Naaz,Sh.Prem Nath Shad,Sh.A.K.Naaz,Sh. Balkrishen Sanyasi,Sh.Ramesh Hanglo,Dr. Premi Romani,Smt.Bimla Misri Aima,Smt.Kusum Dhar,Sh.Avtar Hugami,Dr.Premi Romani, Sh.Ramesh Hangloo, Sh.Ravindar Bhat, Sh Arvind Shah,Sh. Piare Hatash,Sh.Vijay Sagar,Sh.Badrinath Abhilash,Sh.Deepakraj,Sh. Aryan Ramesh etc.

A special attraction of Saman Bal was a Kashmiri speaking and singing programme of children. Fifteen children participated and enthralled the audience by their presentations. Certificates and Mementos were presented to children on behalf of Kashmir Cultural Trust by Sh. Moti Kaul, Prof Omkar Koul and Smt. Kailash Mehra Sadhu. Sh. Moti Kaul in his address congratulated the organisers particularly Prof.Omkar Koul and Dr.Roop Krishen Bhat for such an amazing programme.

On the last day of Saman Bal a multilingual Mushiara was organised at Jagti quarters in which a large number of poets participated. The Mushiara was chaired by Sh Makhan Lal Kanwal, an eminent poet and Sahitya Akademi awardee, and conducted by Sri Tej Sagar a local poet.

Samanbal 2016 a literary and Cultural meet organised in Jammu
Report by Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat

A literary and cultural meet entitled as “Samanbal -16” was organised by Kashmir Cultural Trust in collaboration with J&K Academy of Art ,Culture and Languages at Saigal hall of JKAACL on February 12-13,2016. Dr Roop Krishen Bhat managing Trustee of Kashmir Cultural Trust and organiser of the meet welcomed all the distinguished guest scholars, participants to the Meet. While welcoming the participants he said Kashmir Cultural Trust is working for the preservation , and promotion of Kashmiri language and culture and Samanbal is a platform for all such people concerned and related to this endeavour.

The two-day conference was inaugurated by Dr. Aziz Hajini, Secretary JKAACL . Dr. Hajini said that the contribution of Kashmiri Pandits to Kashmiri language and culture has been tremendous and in case we remove their contribution from the history nothing substantial shall be left. But the present situation for both the communities of Kashmiri Muslims and Pandits is very alarming so for as preservation of Kashmiri Language is concerned. While Kashmiri Pandits have their compulsions staying away in various diasporas but even Kashmiri Muslims living in their own environment are loosing interest in their language very fast and urgent measures are required to be taken to preserve our legacy. He said while as there is no dearth of good literature and lot of books are being written by writers of both communities but issues related to language are serious and need urgent attention. He said the Academy shall take all necessary steps to work for preservation of languages being spoken in the State.

Prof Omkar Koul an eminent Linguist and former Director of Central Institute of Indian languages , Mysore in his keynote address said that in case the language is not used adequately in education, administration and mass media, it will not survive for long as these three aspects are important for development of language and unfortunately the State Govt has done very little in all these areas. He said that Kashmiri has a rich inventory of proverbs and its sound system and grammatical structures are unique in comparison to other languages. An initiative taken by him has resulted in the publication of 75 books in children’s literature in Kashmiri published by a Emesco Hyderabad in collaboration with the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore is a great achievement and is going to attract our children towards their mother tongue.

Professor Ashok Aima Vice-chancellor, Central University, Jammu in his address said that he was highly influenced by eminent Kashmiri short story writers Hari Krishen koul and R.L. Shant. He said language is an identity of people and the present challenges are irrespective of religion and as challenges for all Kashmiri language lovers. He said that he always speaks Kashmiri with his children, irrespective of their responding to it and it is the duty of every parent to do it. He said he is pleased to be part of Samanbal and has learnt a lot today about the importance of language and culture. He said Radio Sharda is playing good role in propagating the Kashmiri language. He said we need to establish Kashmiriyat once again and Jammu Central University shall extend all possible support towards that endeavour. Prof Aima launched the website www.kashmirculturaltrust.com at this occasion.

Prof R. L. Shant eminent scholar and writer in his presidential address stressed on preservation of mother tongue and said we need to work on mission basis on this and congratulated Kashmir Cultural Trust for such an initiative and providing a platform like Samanbal to scholars and writers to deliberate. He said parents should take responsibility to teach mother tongue to their children and inculcate sanskars in them.

Sh Kundan Paras ,secretary Samprati proposed vote of thanks and eminent poet Smt. Sunita Raina conducted the proceedings of programme.

This was followed by panel discussions on language, Literature and Culture, Issues in Kashmiri Culture . The sessions were chaired by Sh. M.L. Kemmu an eminent playright and writer, Prof Misri a retired professor of English and Dr.R.L. Bhat President of Samprati. Other panelists who spoke were Prof. Rattan Talashi of Kashmir University Srinagar, Sh Tej Rawal former Director AIR, eminent singer Smt Naina Sapru Trisal, Shri Ramesh Hangloo of Radio Sharda, Sh.K.K.Lidho Programme Executive Radio Jammu, playright Sh J.K. Kaul Bezaan, eminent poet and broadcaster Sh B.N. Betab, Sh H.K. Kher, Sh Soom Nath Pandit, Sh Omkarnath Shabnam and many others. Shri Hasrat Gadda eminent cultural activist from Srinagar said that we have to touch every aspect of culture and not only language. Sh Pushkarnath Raina explained the importance of dejihuur and vyuug in detail. Ms. Kusum Dhar said that Radio Sharda should have programmes for youth as well.

On the second day of the programme, nav ba nav i.e. Readings from fresh Kashmiri literature by well-known prose writers Shri Makhan Lal Pandita, Dr.Roop Krishen Bhat, Sh Avtar Hugami, Sh.Vijay Sagar and Sh.Rinku Koul, was organised. The session was presided by Dr.P.N.Trisal and the short stories were relished by the audience.

In the speaking and singing competition for children i.e. navnihaal a nuumber of children participated. Children enthralled audience through their performance. They were presented cash award, mementos, certificates of participation and books by Prof B.L. Zutshi,Sh.H.N.Tickoo and Prof Omkar Koul. The programme was conducted by Shri Aryan Ramesh.

A Kashmiri Mushiara and a Cultural Programme were organised in the afternoon of 13th February, at the venue of Shri Mahaganesh Ji Trust ,Lower Muthi Jammu. About two hundred people attended and enjoyed the programme. A play entitled dayi sInz daigath was staged by vomeed rangmanch lead by a youngster Sh.Rohit Bhat which was appreciated by all. The Mushiara in which about thirty five poets recited poetries including some prominent ones like Dr.Roshan Saraf, Sh.Prem Nath Shad, Sh. P.N.Kaul Sayil, Sh.A.N.Naz, Sh Sh Piare Hatash, Sh Ashok Gowhar, Sh. Omkarnath Shabnam, Sh Ashok Saraf Ghayal, Smt Sunita Raina, Sh. B.N. Betab, Sh.Tej Rawal, Sh.B.K.Sanyasi, Sh.Jagan Nath Sagar, Sh.B.N.Abhilash,Sh Roshan lal Roshan, Smt. Kusum Dhar etc. Sh.P.N.Kaul Sayil presided over and Sh.Piare Hatash conducted the Mushiara.

About sixty writers , scholars, artistes and social activists attended the Samanbal 2016. They included Dr.M.K.Santoshi, Sh Adarsh Ajit, Sh Virendar Rawal, Dr.K.L. Choudhry, Roshan Saraf, Sh. Hasrat Gadda, Sh Bashir Badarwahi, Sh.Aseer Kishtwari. The academy officials who participated were Sh. Arvindar Amn, Additional Secretary, Dr.Sudhir Mahajan, Dr.Rattan and Gulzar Rather. The prominent social activists included Sh.Ramesh Hangloo of Radio Sharda, Sh.Aryan Ramesh, Sh Ravindar Bhat, Sh Veeer Ji Dullo , Sh. Kamal Ganjoo,Prof ON Kaul,Sh.KingJi Pandita and artists of Vomed Rangmanch.

It is expected that Samanbal shall go a long way to reinvigorate the linguistic and cultural heritage of Jammu and Kashmir.

National Seminar on Trauma of Migration and Displacement in Sindhi and Kashmiri Literatures organised in Jammu

A two days National Seminar on Trauma of Migration and Displacement in Kashmiri and Sindhi literatures organized jointly by Kashmir Cultural Trust and National Council for Sindhi Language Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, was inaugurated by Dr.Jatindra Singh Hon’ble Minister of State, Govt. of India, at Hotel Savoy on 13th March,2016 in Jammu. Speaking on the occasion Dr.Singh complimented the authorities of National Council for Promotion of Sindhi language and members of Kashmir Cultural Trust for holding such an important event at Jammu. He appreciated the intellectual acumen of Kashmiri Pandits quoting an incident regarding Shimla agreement of 1972 in which he said that other than Sh.Zul-fi-kaar Ali Bhutto the then PM of Pakistan all others namely Smt. Indira Gandhi, Sh.D.P.Dhar, Sh. P.N.Haksar,Shri P.N.Dhar etc representing Indian Govt. were Kashmiri Pandits. He hailed the contribution of Kashmiri Pandits from ancient times to the present one in various disciplines and expressed his anguish that such an intelligent community had to face the worst tragedies in modern times. He said similarly the contribution of Sindhi community towards development of modern India was magnanimous. He said that he is happy that such a seminar was organised at Jammu in J&K State and there is need to organize similar programmes more frequently at other places as well and come out with concrete recommendations.

Earlier Dr.Ravi Prakash Tekchandani Director of NCPSL while welcoming the delegates and participants of the seminar expressed his happiness that the council has been able to organize the seminar the first of its type in the history of council and thanked Kashmir Cultural Trust for the support. He said that the Council is working under the guidance of Smt. Smriti Z. Irani the Hon’ble Minister of HRD and chairperson of the council. He said the council shall be happy to organize many more programmes in other parts of the state like Srinagar and Ladakh. He gave a brief account of activities performed by the council during the current financial year. Dr.Tekchandani appealed all the scholars to participate in various schemes launched by the NCPSL. .

Sh.Baldeo Bhai Sharma the Chairman of the National Book Trust of India in his address said that both Sindhis and Kashmiris have identical stories to share while Sindhis suffered the pain and agony of partition and were scattered all over the country the Kashmiris got displaced within their own country. He appreciated the strength shown by both the communities in facing the tragedies and preserving their language and culture and leaving a rich heritage of scholarship and patriotism for their younger generations. He said that NBT plans to publish and promote the works of young writers of all the languages. .

Smt. Aruna Jethwani the Vice Chairperson of NCPSL recalled how as a young child she had suffered the miseries of partition along with her other family members and how they were looked down upon as refugees by the people in their earlier years. Smt. Jethwani appreciated all those writers from both the communities who have preserved the anguish and pain of displacement and partition in their writings. .

Prof. R.L.Shant and Prof. M.K.Jetley the eminent award winning scholars who have contributed a lot to the literatures of Kashmiri and Sindhi respectively presented detailed key notes highlighting the contributions of various scholars over the years of both the languages.

Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat the Managing Trustee of the Kashmir Cultural Trust and coordinator of the programme expressed his gratitude to all the guests, participants, media persons especially to Dr.Jatinder Singh the Hon’ble Minister of State Govt. of India for inaugurating the programme. .

The inaugural function was followed by academic sessions on poetry, fiction and drama. The scholars who presented papers and participated in the proceeding include Sh.Govendharan Sharma Ghayal, Sh. P.N.Shad, Prof. Majrooh Rashid, Ms. Rashmi Ramani, Prof. Hiro Thakur, Sh. B.N.Betab, Prof. Omkar N. Koul, Sh. Ajeet Manyal, Sh. M.L.Pandita, Prof. Bhagwan Atlani, Prof. Jhamu Chugani, Prof. Rattan Talashi , Dr. M.K.Santohi, Sh.M.L.Pandita etc. .

The opening day’s programme was attended by about 70 delegates from across the country i,e, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune , Indore, Raipur, Srinagar etc. besides large number from Jammu. The day’s programme came to an end with a multilingual musharia in which about 30 poets of Hindi, Kashmiri, Sindhi , Urdu and Dogri read their poetries. This was appreciated by all. .

ON second day of the programme the outside scholars and the members of National Council for Promotion of Sindhi Language including its Director Dr.Ravi Prakash Tekchandani and Smt. Aruna Jethwani the vice chairperson were felicitated by the members of Kashmir Cultural Trust by presenting them a cup of bronze the cultural symbol of Kashmiri Pandits. While expressing his gratitude Dr. Ravi Tekchandani the Director of Council said that he would happily display it in his drawing room which would refresh the memories of the hospitality he received in Jammu. He said that he would be happy to organise similar programmes in J&K in future and gave a detailed account of schemes of the council the scholars of J&K could benefit from. He further said that Kashmiri scholars should fight for having a Kashmiri Council on the pattern of Sindhi council which could go a long way in promotion of Kashmiri language and literature. .

Smt Aruna Jethwani the vice chairperson of the Council declared that council could finance a research project in the Jammu University or at any other Institution on the displacement literature of both languages in case some scholar is ready to take up this work. .

Earlier during the day in the open house discussion session about twenty scholars from both languages presented their point of view on various aspects of subject and gave some valuable suggestions about preservation and promotion of cultural heritage of two communities and suggested many collaborative steps. Those who participated included Prof R.L.Shant, Dr.M.K.koul, Sh.M.L.Kemmu, Dr.Agnishekhar, Shri Arvind Shah, prof Omkar Koul, Sh. B.N. Betab, Sh.P.N.Shad, Prof Hiro Thakur Dr.Ajwani,Dr. Govind Sharma,Prof Talashi, Prof Majroh Rashid, etc . .

The young minds like Ms. Promila Kaul Pandita, Mr.Rahul Kilam and Mr. Aryan Ramesh gave a youth perspective on the subject and suggested measures which could draw youth towards preservation of our heritage. The day two proceedings were attended by about seventy scholars.


From the proceedings of seminar It became evident that Kashmiris and Sindhis share their vows of displacement and migration reflected vastly in literatures of both languages, both use Nastaliq and Devnagri writing systems. Though both are listed in eighth scheduled of constitution but both languages are not part of State administration, nor are they mediums of instruction at any level. .

Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat the Managing Trustee for Kashmir Cultural Trust and the coordinator of this programme said that the Kashmiri literature written by the displaced writers for last twenty years is not only of large quantity but also of very high quality matching the international standard but there is an attempt by the vested elements to undermine it, he cautioned the scholars to remain vigilant about this and work hard to spread such literature globally through translations and other means of modern technology .He thanked the officials of Sindhi Council for collaborating with KCT for this programme .He also thanked all the delegates who came from different parts of country to attend this programme and to his support team especially Sh. Aryan Ramesh, Mr. Ravindar Bhat, Sh Rajindar Raina, Sh Rinku Koul etc for providing organisational and logistic support and finally the local media both electronic and print for wider coverage of this programme. He also expressed his thanks to the management and staff of hotel Savoy for their hospitality and logistics. .

Report by Dr.Roop Krishen Bhat.

Samanbal organised in Delhi
A Report by Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat

Kashmir cultural trust organized Samanbal-A literary and cultural meet in Kashmiri Language on 10th February, 2018 in the Orchid hall of Central Civil Service Officers Institute, KG Marg, Delhi in which about 25 writers participated. Besides the writers there were many eminent Kashmiri scholars, and Kashmiri language lovers present. The programme started with Dr.Roop Krishen Bhat Managing trustee of Kashmir cultural Trust welcoming the participants and guests. He introduced the Samanbal, its objectives and purpose and presented a brief outline of the programme. He said Kashmir Cultural trust is working for promotion of Kashmiri language and culture and samanbal is primarily a writers meet in which they interact, share and present their latest works and thereby all of us jointly work towards promotion of Kashmiri language and culture. .

This was followed by a series of new releases which included Sh Ashok Jelkhani’s biography written by Sh.Mahraj Shah in Hindi and translated by Prof. Shafi Shauq into English. Sh. Jelkhani an eminent theatre personality and former Additional Director General Doordarshan briefed about the salient features of his biography. The book was released by Prof. Omkar N Koul an eminent Linguist, writer and scholar who also presided over the first session of the programme. Next book released was muurtsagor “The sculptor” a short story collection by Sh.Rajesh Kaul, again a TV personality and former Director Doordashan who also read a story from his book. This book was released by Prof. Chaman Lal Sapru an eminent scholar and community activist. A CD of Bhajans sung by Smt. Sunita Kher Trisal was released by Sh.Deepak Kaul a well known short story writer and Sh Gauri Shankar Raina an eminent Media personality and writer. Next book released was “Punjabi Kashmiri Common Vocabulary” compiled by Dr.Roop Krishen Bhat and Dr. Devindar Singh. Speaking about the book Dr. Bhat said that about 2500 common words have been listed in this book in Gurmukhi, Nastalikh,Devnagri and phonetic script with English translation. This book was released by Sh. Omkar Nath Shabnam a popular poet and Sh Jagannath Dhar editor English, Koshur samachar. Thereafter Prof Koul in his presidential remarks congratulated all the writers who presented their new works and thanked all the participants for admiring the works. .

Next segment of the programme was a Kashmiri Mushiara in which the poets who read their poems are Smt Sunita Kher, Sh. B.L. Kaul Deep, Sh. Ravinder Ravi,Sh.Tej Krishen Raina Khamosh, Sh. Roshan Lal Roshan, Sh Jawahar Lal Kosam,sh. Omkar Nath Shabnam,Smt. Sunita Raina and Sh. Moti Lal Naaz. The Mushiara was presided by Sh Moti Lal Naaz an eminent and senior Kashmiri poet. .

The entire programme including th Mushaira was anchored by the popular Kashmiri poetess Smt. Sunita Raina who with her beautiful verses knitted the programme aesthetically. .

Besides the poets and writers the other important personalties who attended the Samanbal were Sh. Arvind Shah an community activist and eminent writer and editor Shuhul taaph the quarterly magazine recently started by the KECSS, Sh. Sanjay Kher, Sh. Suman Kaul, Sh Puneet Koul, Smt. Kundan Bhat, the Author trustee of Kashmir cultural Trust etc. At the end Dr.Roop Krishen Bhat thanked all the paricipants, writers, poets and guests who attended the programme. He also thanked Smt.Sunita Raina for her able anchoring and invited all present for a high tea.

Kashmir Cultural Trust organises samanbal in Jammu
A Report by Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat

Kashmir Cultural Trust a registered organisation engaged in promotion of Literary and Cultural activities in and outside the State of J&K for past more than a decade in collaboration with J&K Academy of Art,Culture and Languages is organising Samanbal- A two days literary and cultural meet in Jammu on 20th and 21st of March 2018 inside the K.L.Saigal Hall of the Academy. On he first day of the programme Dr.Roop Krishen Bhat’s book on Communal harmony in Kashmiri literature was released by Justice Sunil Haali,president J&K State Consumer Commission and former High Court judge in presence of Dr. Aziz Hajini Secretary J&K Academy of art Culture and Languages,Prof R.L.Shant emienet scholar an writer,Prof Rattan Talashiof Kashmir University and a galaxy of scholars,writers and media persons.Justice Haali in his presidential address said that the displaced Kashmiis are doing good work in Jammu in the field of Art culture and literature while in Kashmir not much is done. He congratulated dr. Bhat for writing such a good book.Dr. Aziz hajini in his inaugural addresssaid that he is happy to see that Kashmiri Pandits who have inherited a rich literary and cultural legacy remain busy in preservation and promotion of literary work. He said that the spread of English is grabbing more and more linguistic space all over the world and speakers of smaller languages need to remail alert. Prof R.L. Shant in his key note expressed anguish at the situation he finds Kashmiris living in diaspora.He said day by day we are becoming directionless and moving aimlessly while our young generation awaits our guidance . Prof Talashi presented a detailed paper on Dr. Bhat,s book. Dr. Bhatspoke about the circumstances and purpose of wring the book.He said while entire world know Kashmir as a disturbed and problem area his book presents a different legacy of Kashmir was known for and his target readership is non Kashmiris and our youth. This was followed by a panel discussion on “challenges in preserving the Kashmiri language and culture amongst youth in which several scholars like BN Betab, Prof. RL Talashi, Prof Shad Ramzan, Dr. Gauri Shankar Raina and Sh Aseer Kishtwari participated. This programme was moderated by Sh Betab.A short story presentation, Mushiara were also held in which M.L. Pandita, Vijay sagar, Prem Nath Shad,J.N.Sagar,Rinku Koul,Shad Ramzan , Bashir Badarwahi, Aseer Kishtwari, Ashok Gauhar, Kundan Paras, R.L. Jowhar, M.L. Masroof and a host of other poets participated. Prof M.L. Misri and Sh. Baderwahi presided the short story and poetry recitation sessions.

The first days programme ended with musical performences by young artistes of Vomed led by Sh Rohit Bhat and Mr.Rishab Dorji .Children were given certificates and gifts by the Kashmir Cultural trust.

About fifty scholars, writers, intellectuals, artists, media personalities from across the country attended this program besides the officials and artists of J&K Academy.

Two days International Conference on Kashmiri language, literature and culture organized in Jammu
A Report by Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat

Kashmir Cultural Trust (KCT) a registered organization engaged in promotion of Kashmiri language, literature and culture for past few decades in collaboration with Central institute of Indian languages, Mysore Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, Sahitya Academy, New Delhi and J&K Academy of Art culture and languages is organizing a two days International conference on Kashmiri Language literature and culture on January 6th- 7th,2019 at K.L.Saigal hall in Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, Jammu. Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat Managing Trustee and Co-ordinator of the conference welcomed the guests. He elaborated the role of Kashmir Cultural Trust in fostering Kashmiri language and culture especially among the younger generations. He also gave a detailed report about the various activities carried on by the trust in this regard. He said that Kashmir cultural trust has had academic collaborations in past with several Govt. Institutions and organizations like Ministry of culture, National Council for promotion of Urdu language (NCPUL),National council for promotion of Sindhi language (NCPSL), J&K Academy of Art,Culture and languages, Sahitya Academy, P.G.Department of Kashmiri, University of Kashmir, All India Kashmiri samaj (AIKS) ,Samprati, Nagraad, Kashmir Education culture and Science society (KECSS), etc. He said KCT has invited several scholars from abroad like Prof Peter Hook from USA, Prof Boris Zakharin, Prof Ludmilla khokhol from Russia, Dr. S.N.Ganjo from U.K. etc for this conference.

Dr. D.G.Rao, Director CIIL, Mysore inaugurated the conference on 6th January morning. He elaborated the role played by CIIL in promoting Indian languages and emphasized the research and publications brought by CIIL on Kashmiri language. He said that CIIL has funded a big project on endangered languages of J&K under University of Kashmir.

Dr. Aziz Hajini Secretary J&K Academy of Art Culture and Languages lauded the role of Kashmir Cultural trust in promoting Kashmiri language outside valley. He also laid stress on the use of modern technology to outreach the younger generation in terms of imbibing the language easily and readily. Prof R.L.Shant an eminent Kashmiri writer, scholar in his key note address detailed out the various genere of literature that came up during the last 30 years in which Kashmir Cultural Trust has played a vital role. Prof. Manoj Kumar Dhar, honorable Vice Chancellor of University of Jammu in his presidential remarks observed that it is a great endeavor on part of the organization like Kashmir Cultural Trust who are paving ways for the enrichment and carrying forward of the Kashmiri language as a legacy. He gave inputs about various courses offered by the University of Jammu to learners at various levels.

On this occasion two books namely “Prof. Omkar Koul Personality and contributions” edited by Dr. Afaq Aziz and “Sanskrit-Hindi-Kashmiri Dictionary” complied by Prof. Raj Nath Bhat of BHU were released. Prof Uma Pappuswamy, Professor cum Deputy Director of CIIL presented vote of thanks. Ms Promila Koul conducted the programme.

Various sessions of language and linguistics, Kashmiri Literature after 1990 , A panel discussion on preservation of Kashmiri language in diaspora, and a short story presentation were the highlights of day one of the conference.

In the panel discussion the panelists Prof Ashok Koul from USA, Prof Rattan Lal Shant, Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat, Sh Arvind Shah, Mr.Ramesh Hangloo, Sh.J.L.Raina participated. They underlined the importance of language for identity of community and suggested ways to preserve it. Preservation of Kashmiri identity, love for Language and culture, was the focus of panel discussion. The panelists shared their experiences to help work out strategies for its, promotion and preservation.

In the session on Kashmiri Linguistics prof Uma pappuswamy and prof L.Ramamoorthy of CIIL presented papers entitled “ Towards building a computational grammar of Kashmiri” and “challenges in creating Kashmiri Corpora” respectively. The session was chaired by Prof Rajnath Bhat of BHU.

Prof Rattan Talashi and Dr. Shafqat Altaf presented papers on status of Literature i.e. prose and poetry after 1990 and prof Mushtaq zargar of AMU presented a paper on “popularsing literature amongst youth”. The session was chaired by eminent scholars Prof R.L.Shant and Prof. Zaman Azurda.

Short stories were presented by Mr. Makhan Lal Pandita, Sh.Avtar Hugami, Mr. Rinku Koul and Mr. Nisar Nadeem. This session was chaired by Mr. Aseer Kishtwari.

On day two of the conference Kashmir Cultural Trust (KCT) in collaboration with Central Institute of Indian languages, Mysore Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, organized Prof Omkar N Koul memorial lecture at the same venue. Prof Jawahar Lal Handoo an eminent Folklorist and widely travelled scholar, who has been associated with several academic institutions across the country and abroad and is based at Mysore delivered the lecture.

Prof omkar Koul an eminent Linguist , scholar author of 65 books and hundreds of research papers and former director of CIIL, passed away in Delhi last year. Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat Managing Trustee and Co-ordinator of the conference who anchored the programme said that Kashmir cultural trust has decided to organize Omkar Koul memorial lectures every year on his birthday i.e. on 7th January and we are happy that the first such lecture is delivered by not only an eminent folklorist but a college mate , long time colleague and friend of Prof Koul.

Dr.Handoo spoke on “Folklore, Public sphere and civil society”. On this occasion an article on “Life and contributions of Omkar Koul” and a biographic poem penned by Dr. Afaq Aziz were read by Mr. Nissar Nadeem and Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat respectively. Others who remembered and paid tributes to Prof Koul included Prof Zaman Azurda, Sh. Jagannath Sagar, Prof Rattan Talashi, Sh Piare Hatash, Smt Santosh Nadaan, Sh. Hasrat Gadda,Prof P.N.Trisal, Prof Uma Pappuswamy, Prof L.Rama Moorthy, Smt.Renu Bhan, Smt. Reeta Koul niece of Prof Koul, Mr. Rinko Koul, Ramesh Aryan etc.Dr. Roop krishen Bhat read out a message sent by prof Peter Hook a world known Linguist from USA, who had worked closely with prof Koul on many aspects of Kashmiri linguistics.

Mr. M.Y.Tarigami General secretary CPM J&K and former MLA of Kulgam also paid his tributes and said he will organize a similar literary conference at Kulgam, native place of Prof Koul after next elections are over. The memorial lecture session was presided over by Dr. D.G.Rao, Director CIIL, Mysore who in his speech recalled Prof Omkar Koul,s long and fruitfull association with CIIL .he said CIIL is happy to collaborate in paying a homage to Prof Koul whose contribution towards Linguistics is well documnented.

This was followed by a session on “Preservation of Kashmiri cultural heritage”, in which papers were presented by Prof Farooq Fayyaz, Prof Rajnath Bhat, Sh. B.N. Betab. A Kashmiri Mushiara in which 25 poets participated, a one act play directed by Mr. Rohit Bhat and enacted by artistes of Vomeed theatre groupe and a monologue acting by famous artiste Anil Chingari enthralled the audience.

A host of Linguists, litterateurs, scholars, media and cultural personalities besides the research scholars and students of various universities of J&K, Aligarh, JNU,BHU etc attended this conference. Some prominent scholars include Dr. Jawahar Lal Handoo eminent Folklorist, prof Ashok Koul Linguist from USA, Prof.Uma Pappuswamy CIIL Mysore, Prof. L.Ramamoorthy CIIL Mysore, Prof Rajnath Bhat of BHU, Prof. Mahraj Koul. Prof Mushtaq Zargar of AMU, Prof. Zaman Azurda, Prof. Farooq Fayyaz, Dr.Shafqat Altaf, Mr. Aseer Kishtwari, , Sh.Arvind Shah, Smt. Sunita Raina Pandit, Sh.Makhan Lal Pandita, Sh.Jagannath Sagar, Sh.Prem Nath Shad, Mr.Brij Nath Betab, Smt Renu Bhan, Mr.Rinku Koul. Social activists and KCT members Mr.Ramesh Aryan, Smt Kundan Bhat, Smt. Promila Koul ,Sh Hasrat Gadda, Sh. AK Naz president Naagrad, Smt.Santosh Nadaan, Mr.Ramesh Hangloo of radio Sharda, Mr Abdal Mahjoor, Mr. Mohd Amin Bhat, Mr. Shahnaz Rashid Mr Nazir Reshi, etc. Besides a host of Members of Jammu based voluntary organizations like Samprati , Nagrad , Kalam, Neigray etc

At the end of programme the organisers Prof Uma Pappuswamy, Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat, Smt.Kundan Bhat and Mr. Ramesh Aryan thanked all the participants, the CIIL Mysore, The Sahitya academy, J&K Academy for the collaboration and all the print and electronic media of J&K for coverage of the programme.

Report by
Roop Krishen Bhat, Managing Trustee and Coordinator,
contact: 9868555535,roopkbhat@gmail.com

A literary and cultural meet at JAMMU

Kashmir cultural Trust a charitable organization working for promotion of national cultural heritage especially of J&K organized Samanbal 2022 - a two days literary and cultural event at Saigal hall J&K Academy premises Jammu on March 25-26th,2022. This was the first such offline event in two years time after Covid pandemic in which about fifty Kashmiri writers, scholars and cultural personalities from across the country participated.
The programme started by paying homage to all those writers and scholars of Kashmiri language who passed away during last two years. A two minute silence was observed in honour of Sarva Shree Shambu Nath Bhat Haleem, Avtar Krishen Rehbar, Hriday Kaul Bharti, Chaman Lal Hakoo, Dr. KL Chaudhary, T. N. Ganjoo Vishwas, Margoob Banihali, Aziz Hajini, Mashal Sultanpuri, Ghulam Rasool Josh and GM Ajir.
Immediately after this Inaugural session was started. Dr.Roop Krishen Bhat Managing Trustee of KCT and co-ordinator of the programme welcomed all the participants who had come from NCR region of Delhi, Kashmir and Jammu and various other parts of the country. He welcomed all the members associated with various literary organizations like Samprati, Nagrad, Young writers guild etc to the programme. Prof R.L. Shant an eminent scholar presented a detailed key note address. He highlighted various issues facing the language especially outside the valley of Kashmir and spoke at length regarding its preservation. Prof. P.N Trisal a senior scholar delivered his presidential address. He delved on various important issues related to Kashmiri language and literature and importance of preserving the mother tongue. A book entitled “Koshur –Hindi –koshur: kath baath” written jointly by Roop Krishen Bhat and Arvind Shah and published by Central Hindi Directorate, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India was released on this occasion. Smt. Promila Kaul anchored this session.

The second session of the programme i.e. a panel discussion on “preservation of Kashmiri language literature and culture in diaspora” started immediately after the inaugural and was presided by Prof R.L. Shant and Co- chaired by Prof. Ashok Koul of Brown University USA. Sh. Arvind Shah was the key speaker of this session .He mentioned that Kashmiri Pandits got scattered across the globe after forced exodus of 1990 and preserving their language and culture in diaspora has been a big challenge. He highlighted several important points taken by certain NGO’s and individuals like JKVM etc in preserving the mother tongue and underlined several points which may help in the endeavor to preserve the language. He invited other panelists to elaborate these further. Sh. Ramesh Hangloo CEO of the Radio Sharda spoke at length on role played by Radio Sharda in promoting and preserving Kashmiri language, literature and culture. He mentioned that Radio Sharda is being listened in more than hundred countries all over the world in which Kashmiris are living. Prof. Ashok Koul insisted on getting audio visual materials and on line courses prepared for the preservation of mother tongue and culture. He mentioned some good practices adopted in USA by Kashmiri Biradari and his role in the same. Smt. Kusum Dhar spoke about role theatre can play in preserving the language and culture. Sh. R.L. Jawhar insisted on use of Devanagri script as important tool outside Kashmir to preserve the language. Sh. Rinku Koul said that we need to make use of technology as much as possible for preservation of our mother tongue. Sh. Piare Lal Pandita said that he was one of the first few KP students to have done MA in Kashmiri and it is sad that our children have no facility to study Kashmiri even at school level as there are no Kashmiri teachers in Jammu schools. State Govt. is silent on this important issue. Others who spoke in this session include Sh. Mahraj Krishen Mahraj, Eng. Vinod, Sh.PN Shad, Sh. Avtar Hugami, Sh J. L. Raina, Mrs.Fozia Moghul etc. Prof R.L. Shant in his presidential remarks highlighted various issues which hamper the preservation of Kashmiri language, literature and culture and highlighted important measures to be taken in this regard. He underlined and justified that use of Devanagri script is the only way in preserving our language and literature in diaspora as it has been standardized to suit the language by expert committee and called upon the Government to recognize it as an additional script besides officially recognized Perso-Arabic.
In session three of the programme a special lecture on “Current scenario of Kashmiri language and literature” by Prof. Majroh Rashid a former professor of Kashmir University and presently Chairman Habba khatoon centre of Kashmir studies at Islamic University Awantipura. He described in detail the past and present of Kashmiri literature vis- a- vis various genres and said that we still look towards past for the best of Kashmiri literature and our present writers need to work hard to be genuine representatives of the language and literature. This session was presided by Prof Ratan Talashi a former Professor of Kashmiri of Kashmir University and a reputed scholar. He seconded the concern of Prof. Majroh Rashid and said that unfortunately there are some people who have spoiled the reputation of Kashmiri literature because of their vested interests.
The session four of the day was short story readings in Kashmiri. The session was presided by Prof Majroh Rashid and Shri Bal Krishen Sanyasi a senior poet. Those who presented their short stories are Sh. Avtar Hugami, Shri Vijay Sagar, Shri Vijay Wali, Shri Zahir Banihali and Shri Rinku Koul. The audience appreciated all the stories with different theme and content. Shri Sanyasi and Prof Majroh presented their view point on the stories.
Day Two
The session five of the programme started with Prof Omkar Koul memorial lecture by Padma Shri Prof. Ganesh Devi an eminent scholar and thinker. The session was presided by Prof PN Trisal an eminent scholar. Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat welcomed the guests, audience and the family members of Prof Koul to this session. He introduced Prof Ganesh Devi. In the beginning Prof. Nisar Nadeem recited a biographical poem about Prof. Omkar Koul authored by Prof. Afaq Aziz. After that Prof Ganesh Devi delivered the memorial lecture. He described in detail the persona of Prof. Koul and his association with him during the People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI) to which Prof Koul had largely contributed. Prof Ganesh Devi also delved on philosophy of life in modern context. Thereafter Prof Trisal presented his presidential remarks. While speaking he mentioned that Prof Koul was his student and it is a strange feeling to speak about him and pay tributes. He appreciated the lecture delivered by Prof. Ganesh Devi. Prof Ashok Koul younger brother of Prof. Koul who had come all the way from USA was the guest of honour on this occasion. He thanked everyone present on behalf of the family.
In this session Sh. P.N. Shad’s book entitled “ Images in the Mirror” which is the translation of his Kashmiri poems by Prof R. N. Koul, was released. Sh. Satish Koul Safeer presented a review article on the book written by Adarsh Ajit. This session was anchored by Smt. Promila Koul.
The next session of the day and session six of the programme was a panel discussion on “Impact of Covid pandemic on Kashmiri language and literature.” The session was presided by Sh. Aseer Kishtwari a senior scholar from Chinab valley and co-chaired by Sh. Piare Hatash a senior poet and scholar. Dr. Gauri Shankar Raina and Sh. Ashok Gauhar were the key speakers of this session. Dr. Raina presented a detailed paper on important world pandemics creating such emergency situations which prevent people to leave their houses and roam around. He named several scholars and works which were created during such times and also delved on virtual programmes conducted during present pandemic especially by the Sahitya academy. Sh. Ashok Gauhar mentioned various online and virtual programmes held by various organizations like Samprati, Nagrad adbi sangam, Young writers guild etc and the literature created and accumulated. The session was opened for general participation and discussion by all participants and lot of discussion was generated on the subject, however, a consensus was on the point that though social media has been an important medium for communication during pandemic but it has its negative points too, like posts and files getting discarded,expired and cleared due to various reasons, hence cannot compete with print medium. Those who participated in discussion include Sarva Shree RL Shant, RL Jawhar, Nisar Nadeem, Dr. Ramesh Razdan, Sh.Piare Lal Shangloo etc. Sh Jawhar appreciated the non stop publishing of Vaakh the only literary magazine in Devnagari script and insisted on subscription of Vaakh by every Kashmiri especially so by writers.
An important intervention was by Dr. T.K. Moza a physician who revealed his experiences while dealing with Covid patients and described the horrible situation in the hospitals, and cremation grounds etc. He mentioned that he is persuading his children (who were present in the hall) at home to speak in Kashmiri language and know their culture. Dr. Ramesh Razdan a language acitvist informed about holding of essay competitions among youngsters to preserve the language and culture. Eng. Vinod wanted samanbal programme to be arranged only for youngsters. It was a general feeling that there are no young writers in Kashmiri language in diaspora and we need to encourage and create young writers to keep the literature alive.
Sh Piare Hatash said that we need to have more and more literary programmes and try to involve youngsters in our programmes. Roop Krishen Bhat ensured the writer fraternity that he is ready to organize a workshop in case a list of such young people is provided to him who may be ready to participate in a creative writing workshop. Sh Aseer Kishtwari in his presidential remarks said that the problem of Kashmiri teachers is not only in Jammu migrant schools but in entire Jammu region. He said that the state Govt. is doing nothing to provide Kashmiri text books and teachers in entire Jammu province and our children are deprived of learning mother tongue and using it as medium of instruction at primary level as envisaged in New Education policy of Govt. of India.
The session seven of the Samanbal was devoted to a Kashmiri Mushiara in which about twenty poets recited their poetry. The session was presided by the senior poet Sh. PN Shad and co- chaired by Dr. Roshan Saraf Roshi Roshi President of Samprati and senior poet. Prof Nisar Nadeem anchored the mushiara in his unique style. The poets who recited their poetry included Smt. Nancy Chetna,Smt. Kusum Dhar Sharda, Smt. Fozia moghul, Sarva Shri, Bal Krishen Sanyasi, Piare Hatash,R.L. Jawhar,OmkarNath Shabnam, Chaman Pinjori, Mahraj Krishen Mahraj,Nisar Nadeem, Ashok Gauhar, Dildar Mohan,Zahir Banihali, Satish Koul Safeer, Engineer Vinod, Rajinder Agosh, A. K. Zadoo, Aseer Kishtwari, Dr. Roshan Saraf Roshi Roshi and Prem Nath Shad.
The Samanbal programme ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat. Dr. Bhat thanked all the esteemed writers, scholars and other participants for sparing their time and attending two day programme despite of several constraints. He thanked the Sahitya Academy Delhi, for their collaboration. He also thanked the media for coverage of the programme.

A report by Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat Managing Trustee and coordinator of the programme.
Mob: 9868555535, Email: roopkbhat@gmail.com.




SAMANBAL -2024: A literary and cultural Meet, at JAMMU

 A report

Day one

 Jammu based Kashmir Cultural Trust a charitable organization working for promotion of national cultural heritage especially of the UT of J&K organized Samanbal 2024 - a two days literary and cultural festival at Saigal hall J&K Academy premises Jammu on January 9-10th,2024 in collaboration with Sahitya Academy Delhi and J&K Academy of art,culture languages Jammu. About fifty Kashmiri writers, scholars and cultural personalities from across the country are participating.

The programme started by paying homage to all those writers and cultural personalities who passed away during last one year.  Notable among are Rehman Rahi, Omkar Nath Shabnam , Ghulam Nabi Khayal, Mushtak Kak , Shanti Vir Kaul, Asha Zaro etc.

 Immediately after this Inaugural session was started. Dr.Roop Krishen Bhat Managing Trustee of KCT and co-ordinator of the programme welcomed all the participants who had come from NCR region of Delhi, Kashmir, Jammu and various other parts of the country. He welcomed all the members associated with various literary organizations of Jammu  like Samprati, Nagrad,Vomed, Samoh theatre, Young writers guild etc. to the programme.  He welcomed the local media for wider coverage of the programme. He highlighted various important programmes conducted by the Kashmir cultural trust during past two decades and few important publications and digital courses prepared like A course on Kashmiri language now available on Utube and KCT website.

Prof R.L. Shant an eminent scholar Inaugurated the programme. He said that since exile of 1990,when large number of writers and cultural workers were pushed out of Kashmir and got scattered in the country and outside,  Kashmir shaivism, Abhinavgupt’s scholarship, Kalhanas historical achievement and Lal Ded’s literary pursuits guided and helped writers, resettle and reclaim their lost cultural roots. The pan Indian endeavor of the writers has been to conserve and proliferate Kashmiri literature all over the country. Our connect with Kashmir its language and culture needs a rethink on an additional alternative script for Kashmiri .This will help our language to save it for present and future generations.  This alternative is Nagri and adopting it  by State and Central academies would be a healthy course to which we are committed. But unfortunately the Central bodies and organizations have been overlooking this issue which smacks of nepotism on their behalf.

Samanbal 2024 raises the voice of Kashmiri writers living in the valley, Jammu, Delhi etc. for its rights as equal participants in the pan Indian post 1990 scenario. Kashmiri writers writing in any part of country have equal rights and demand to be considered for all that the State cultural academy and Sahitya academy do, convene and manage.

Kashmiri literay organizations like Samprati, Nagrad and Kashmir cultural Trust be represented in the literary affairs of the Sahitya academy.

Shri Bal Krishan Sanyasi an eminent poet presented the key note address. He emphasized the importance of mother tongue in social bonding and insisted that we need to find different ways to work to preserve our language. Shri Vijay Bakaya former chief secretary of J&K and Ex. MLC  who Presided over the inaugural function said that unless we speak Kashmiri in our homes we can not preserve it. He said we need to sensitise the parents to speak Kashmiri with children at home .

 Two books 1.Kashmir: nirvasan sahitya  editedjointly by Roop Krishen Bhatand M.K Santoshi and a drama book  originally by Shakepeare in English and translated into Kashmiri by Gauri Shankar Raina were released on this occasion. Smt. Promila Kaul ably anchored this session. 

In the first session two papers on Kashmiri language and literature during last three decades were presented by Shri Kanwal K. Lidhoo and Shri R.L. Jowhar. They brought out important developments of the language and literature during this period. Dr. Sudhir Mahajan  eminent theatre personality of Jammu and  owner Director of Samoh theatre group based in Jammu gave a detailed account of Drama groups of Kashmir and jammu based in Jammu who have been active for last three decades. He delvd in detail the  current scenario of theatre and drama in J&K. The session was jointly presided by Prof. R.L. Talashi and Prof. Farooq Fayaz former professors of university of Kashmir. They spoke about various presentations of the session and hailed them.

 Next session  on Mother tongue ,social bonding, literature and culture :current scenario was moderated by Shri Arvind Shah author and translator and presided over by Shri Aseer Kishtwari”an emient scholar   . Opening the discussion Mr. Shah mentioned that Kashmiri Pandits got scattered across the globe after forced exodus of 1990 and preserving their language and culture in diaspora has been a big challenge. He highlighted several measures taken by certain NGO’s and individuals like AIKS, JKVM, KCT, Samprati, Nagrad etc in preserving the mother tongue and underlined several points which may help in the endeavor to preserve the language. He invited participants from audience  to express their views on this subject. Those who spoke include 


Mr. Aseer Kishtwari highlighted the importance of preservation of mother tongue and appreciated Kashmir cultural trust for organizing such important programmes .

The  session four of the day was short story readings in Kashmiri. The session was presided by Prof R.L. Shant an eminent short story writer himself. Those who presented their short stories are Shri. Makhan Lal Pandita Shri Avtar Hugami,  Dr Gaurishankar Raina, Shri Rinku Koul and,Engineer Vinod The audience appreciated all the stories with different themes and contents. Prof Shant offered his comments on the stories and appreciated the writers.


The delegates of the day included some eminent names like SarvShri.  A K Naaz, Hasrat Gadda, B N Betab, Piare Hatash, P N Trisal, Afaq Aziz, Nisar Nadeem, Dildar Mohan, Satish Koul Safeer, Ashok Dhar Gawhar, Tej Sagar, Rajinder Agosh, Dr. Tej K Moza, Zaman Azurda, Smt. Santosh Nadaan, Nancy Chetna, Ashok Koul, Ramesh Razdan, Ramesh Nirash, J L Raina, Maharaj Krishen,     etc.   

Day two

A   National seminar on Life and works of Prof Omkar Koul  a world famous Linguist, and eminent scholar and thinker was organized by Kashmir Cultural Trust as  part of samanbal 2024 in the J&K academy premises on 10th January,2024. The first session was jointly presided by Prof PN Trisal a Jammu based eminent scholar and Prof Ashok Koul a Professor at Brown university Providence USA. Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat Managing trustee Kashmir cultural trust and coordinator of seminar welcomed the guests, audience and the family members of Prof Koul to this seminar. He described in detail the persona of Prof. Koul. His contribution to Linguistics in general and Kashmiri Linguistics in particular, to Peoples Linguistic survey of India PLSI etc. 

The paper on contribution of Omkar Koul to Linguistics  in general was presented by Prof. Aejaz Sheikh a professor of the Department of Linguistics, University of Kashmir.  He elaborated on his contribution to Linguistics in general and said that Omkar Koul has published more than thirty books and more than two hundred research papers. He has collaborated with world famous Linguists like Peter Hook, Braj Kachroo, Kashi Wali,Ruth Laila Shadmith,nLudmilla Zakharin etc.. Next paper was presented by Prof. Rattan Talashi an ex professor of Kashmir Univrersity. He spoke on Omkar Koul’s work regarding Dardistan and Kashmir and said he was the second scholar after Grierson who worked on this subject. Prof Afaq Aziz  another scholar from University of  Kashmir spoke about his life, his education and his autographical work. He said Koul was a multifaceted personality whose contribution to Kashmiri Language and Lingiustics is unparalleled. He presented a poetical tribute to Omkar Koul which was appreciated by all. Mr Nisar Nadeem presented a review of Omkar koul’s short stories and said the convass  of his works was global. Thereafter ProfPN Trisal presented his presidential remarks. While speaking he mentioned that Prof Koul was his most humble student and a n honest researcher. It is a strange feeling to speak about him and pay tributes to ones dear studentwho is no more. He appreciated the papers presented by all speakers of the session.


In the second session which was presided by Sh Tej K Rawal a former broadcaster and poet and Sh. Hasrat Gadda a scholar of repute. In this session Prof. Veena Gupta a former professor head of Dogri of Jammu University spoke about Koul’s contribution to Dogri and Punjabi languages and his association with Jammu University. Others who spoke about him were Mr. Ali Shaida, Mr. Amin Bhat the presidents of Adbi markaz Maraz and  Adbi markaz Kamraz of the valley of Kashmir, Prof. Shad Ramzan,Prof Farooq Fayaz, Mr. Aseer Kishtwari and host of other delegates.  

In the post lunch a mono -acting presentation was given by a young and popular artiste Mr. Anil Chingari which was appreciated by all. A Kashmiri Mushiara in which about 25 poets from the entire UT of J&K participated was a highlight of the programme. Very eminent poets like RL Jowhar, Ak Naz,   Dildar Mohan, Ali Shiada, Shad Ramzan, Afaq aziz, BK Sanyasi, Santosh Nadaan, Kusum Dhar, Nancy Chetna, Aseer Kishtwari, Piare hatash, Nisar Nadeem,Satish Safeer, EngineeerVinod etc. participated. It was the largest Mushiara held in Jammu in recent times.  Ms. Deba Nazeer the youngest short story writer of Valley presented her short story .

The seminar ended with a resolution by delegates from valley that next such seminar on Omkar Koul the proud son of Kashmir shall be held in the Valley in coming summer. At the end Prof. Roop Krishen Bhat Managing Trustee Kashmir cultural trust and coordinator of seminar thanked all the participants and stake holders like J&K Academy of art culture and Languages and Sahitya Academy for their support.



A report by   Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat Managing Trustee and coordinator of the programme

Mob 9868555535   Email: roopkbhat@gmail.com